Sunday, May 18, 2014

Toddlers swimming classes | Sengkang Sports and Recreation Centre

Teaching babies to swim turns out to be more than just fun. Baby swimmers have better balance and are also better at grasping at things than non-swimmers. This difference persists even when children are five years old, when babies who have been taught to swim still outperform their peers, research from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) shows.

Toddlers swimming classes at Sengkang Swimming complex call or SMS 90059173 for more details


 Toddlers swimming lessons: Learning to swim early has its advantages.

For many new parents, a child swimming class is like a rite of passage that can be both fun and also terrifying. But a new study suggests that time in the water could have long-lasting benefits outside of the pool. Continue reading For years, pediatricians recommended children begin swim classes around age 4, but that's changed. 

Now they say the earlier the better. At seven months, Molly isn't even walking yet, but she's already floating and going underwater with ease. 

 “I’ve also noticed some fine motor skills development, holding things between her hands,” says her mother, Megan Fedor. 

Bonnie Alcid, of Gaithersburg, got her one-year-old daughter, Lou Lou, involved after her brother was enrolled at the British Swim School in Fairfax. “They’re quite acclimated to the water,” Alcid says. “They’re not scared. They really have a bonding experience with the parent.”

A new study from Australia's Griffin University found many benefits of introducing infants to the water early. Swimming infants are typically six months ahead in physical development, 10 months ahead in cognitive development, and 15 months ahead in social and emotional development. “My parents didn’t take me this,” says Darlene Coons, a swim instructor. “My memory of learning how to swim was much older. Yes, some parents think they need to be older to learn how to swim. 

We start at three months.” Beyond learning is also the safety factor. 
Cara Finnerty says she’s not as worried about her son, Liam. “I think he has the muscle memory to know that to get to the top, roll over and get to his back,” she says. 

Swim classes are available across the Singapore area. Some places accept babies as young as three months. 

Toddlers swimming classes at Sengkang Swimming complex call or SMS 90059173 for more details